Tuesday, December 3, 2013

X-Rays for the Little One

Thanksgiving morning, I plop Bristol down on the counter at Children's Urgent Care and tell them that I think she may have eaten a staple. "You said that so calmly," the receptionist tells me. I reply: "Well, she's child number three and this is our first possibly swallowed item, so I think we may be due for one. And she seems totally fine."

Flash back to 8:30 am, when Brayden runs in from his room announcing "Bristol just ate some paper and it had a staple on it!" A chunk of paper is missing from her Pilgrim hat. We cannot tell if it contained a staple or not. She is fine- no coughing, no choking, she is grinning.

I decide to see what I can find on the internet. 
Yep, better call the pediatrician on call. He recommends we get it checked out because it is a sharp object. A marble- no big deal, but this could cut her insides up. Refer to above photo.

In the car, the first song I hear is Building 429's We Won't Be Shaken.

The doctor checks her out and all seems fine. We went for some x-rays which showed...wait for it...no staple! 

Well, that was fun!