It's been busy around our house lately! I started back to work two days a week a couple of weeks ago. Bristol has been at her grandparents' house and did well on day one, but has not done well with the bottle since then, which is stressful for everyone. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done! After surviving my first outing alone with all three kids, we are now pretty mobile. We go to the children's museum, library and park in some combination every day that I'm home with them. We have a number of awesome parks really close to our house and have enjoyed exploring our new little town. Here's a family picture from Mother's Day and you can see the beautiful necklace that Brayden made me! Brinley made handprint art for me, both projects done at school.

This is Bristol's preferred method of self-soothing. Unlike the older two, she rarely takes a binky. She sticks tow fingers in her mouth and holds one had with the other. So cute!
Rocking out with the Wii
We love our neighborhood! We have this great cul-de-sac on our end where the kids can play and ride bikes and the other end is also a cul-de-sac. We recently met more neighbors, including our next door neighbors with a baby a week older than Bristol.
Our greatest success lately has been with Brinley and potty training. She's been dabbling with it forever it seems and it's safe to say that she is potty trained now! She is even out of Pull Ups at night and hasn't had any night accidents. This, of course, after we just bought a case of Pull Ups at Costco instead of the usual small pack at a time.
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