Summer is our busiest time of year and it always seems like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done! Brayden is a day camper and loves hanging out with the Sunrise boys- especially archery and swimming! Brinley and Bristol spend their days with Nanny Jo and love arts & crafts and the pool. Jo has been working with Brinley on writing her name. I was quite surprised when she sat down to write this, all by herself, without copying anything, the other night. Wow!

Target has wipe off writing boards (with lines like notebook paper) and dry erase markers for $1, so we stocked up and Brinley is loving playing school and copying various words.
Bristol is either extremely happy (cheesy grin) or kinda grumpy. Lots of shrieking going on on our house tonight! We tried the Exersaucer for the first time this week and she looks like such a big girl in it! She doesn't like it for more than a few minutes at a time right now, and doesn't really like the Bumbo or the car seat at all.
The kids love riding with Daddy on the Mule, and take turns helping him "work" each morning before breakfast. Meals are a bit challenging lately as they have so many people they feel the need to talk to that not much eating actually gets done. We're working on this. Our summer is about halfway done and it's hard to believe that Kindergarten starts in 6 weeks!
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