Friday, December 31, 2010


We traveled to Mississippi to spend Christmas with Mimi and Pop and had a great time. After covering 2,300 miles in 10 days, we are exhausted and glad to be home! Here are a few highlights:

*Santa knew we were in MS and brought the kids' gifts there!
*Visiting with relatives: Memaw, Aunt Hortense, Pete & Marsha
*Singing! Aunt Hortense taught the kids how to use her cane like a microphone and they LOVED it, arguing over whose turn it was to sing next
*Brayden's trip to the donut store with Pop (tradition). They made it once, but the second time they were closed. This led to tears streaming down sweet Brayden's face and grumpiness for quite a while. Poor guy.
*A trip to Memphis for shopping, the Children's Museum (awesome! Brinley told me today "I sang loud while I played the cuttar!), and Chuck E Cheese with my Chi O big sis Jenny and sweet Reeves & Caroline
*Eating at Sonic, Zaxby's, Oby's, Fuddruckers
*Driving around looking at Christmas lights
*Hotels! We stayed at 3 and the kids thought this was so much fun- watching tv in bed, sleeping with Mom or Dad, breakfast in the lobby
*Brayden invented a game called Quarter Bodorder. You drop coins from up above and try to land them ono a large commemorative coin. Too funny.
*The Tupelo mall: a train and merry-go-round to ride, plus a playground. The kids were in heaven!
*Snuggling with Mimi and Pop
*Mom & Mimi finishing our jigsaw puzzle (tradition)

Happy New Year!

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