Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Instead of a bunch of resolutions, I'm picking a new word for this year. Last year's word was CALM and it went so-so with much room for improvement. 2011 was a year of chaos: moving while super pregnant, new baby, adjusting to life with three kids, dealing with homework each night for the first time. Many times I felt like we were surviving things in the past year.

Now I'm ready to THRIVE!

Embracing my sweet life and flourishing.

Knowing that the dishes and laundry can wait one more day if that means we can play another round of Candyland or read another book before bed.

These sweet kids are growing so fast and I want to soak it all in and enjoy it before they are too old to want to hang out with me every day.

We have a routine after bath time where I'll scoop each of them into my lap individually and rock them back and forth while saying "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." This is from the sweet book Love You Forever and tonight Brayden asked for an extra rock. I gladly obliged.

2012 = Thrive!

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