Friday, February 25, 2011

Bristol Grace

Bristol Grace
February 23 at 4:34 a.m. 
8 pounds, 3 ounces
19.5 inches
After Monday morning's false alarm, contractions started again on Tuesday afternoon. By early evening they were painful and regular, so we headed back to the hospital around 8:30 p.m. What a difference the time makes- when we got there at 4 am Monday there was no one in the ER and only a few cars in the parking lot. This time almost all the parking spots were full and it was a zoo! After getting settled in our room we were sent to walk for an hour again and then they were checking to see if I had made enough progress to stay. If not, we were going to have a problem because the contractions were really painful at that point. I was making progress, got an epidural around 1:30 am and Bristol made her appearance at 4:34 a.m. at 39 weeks and 5 days. My two fears were not realized: she was not so quick that she was born in the car, and we didn't arrive too late to get an epidural. Yeay! We came home today and are getting settled in as a family of 5!
39 weeks pregnant

  Big Brother Brayden and Big Sister Brinley were so excited to meet Baby Bristol! They have been talking non-stop about getting jello in the cafeteria when she was born, but didn't end up choosing jello after all...

 Ready to go home! Bristol is wearing the same Mississippi State sweat suit that her Mommy wore home from the hospital in 1980, Brayden wore home in 2006 and Brinley wore in 2008!


  1. Dear Kim,Kenny,Brayden and Brinley, Congratulations on your birth of your daughter/sister.We will miss you Sunday but will looking forward seeing you back when ever you are ready to come back to church. I can't wait to hold Bristol in the nursery one day. God Bless you ! Love,Chris

  2. Congrats Kim on your newest addition to your beautiful family! Love Samantha

  3. Kim!! What great photos!! Brayden and Brinley are going to be such good older siblings for little Bristol. Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!
    <3 Beckie
